• Mission Over Margin

    Spirit Consulting is a boutique consulting firm dedicated to providing consulting rooted in a client-tailored approach

    Business is virtuous here

  • Over 125 years of business experience

    With expertise in Executive Search, Business Strategy, HR consulting, Executive Coaching, and Industrial organizational psychology, we maximize your organization’s potential in a plan tailored to you.

  • Boutique Culture

    Boutique Culture

    Spirit does business personally. We meet and exceed every client’s needs while building a relationship unique to them. No one is just a number at Spirit, with expert attention brought to each individual problem, with solutions delivered with a distinctive touch.

Spirit at a Glance

  • Certified Minority-Owned Business

  • 94.2% Success Rate

  • 12 Month Guarantee

  • 12 Month Candidate Onboarding Assistance

  • 70 Days or Less Position Placement for Non-CEO Roles

  • 1 on 1 Solution Building

    Description goes here

Why Partner With Spirit?

Results-Driven Data Tailored to your Organizational Needs

Increasing Performance, Revenue & Customer Experience

Responsive, Client-Oriented Service

Exceptional Candidate Matching and Seamless Onboarding

Boutique Experience that Feels Effortless

Who We Are

Spirit Consulting is a boutique management consulting firm with clients across multiple industries and regions of the United States. We offer expert consulting in Executive Search, Business Strategy, HR Consulting, Executive Coaching, and Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Rooted in our relational, client-tailored approach, these service lines work synergistically to maximize your organization’s potential. 

We are a proud certified Minority Business Enterprise that contributes a robust diversity of thought on our clientele’s projects. 

The Core Virtues of Spirit Consulting

Our practice leaders take this mission seriously. Here are some of the core virtues that you can expect from us inside and outside of our business engagements:


Life is a gift! When we get bogged down in the minutia of life’s responsibilities—new projects without an adequate budget, training new employees, screaming babies in the middle of the night, aging parents—we fail to realize the beauty of life. The client managers at Spirit Consulting hone this joy through gratitude and daily reflection, which in turn enriches all of their relationships.



When the stakes are high, and people’s jobs are at risk, it can be easy to lead with our emotions, becoming impulsive, making snap judgments without looking at the bigger picture, and planning for a desired outcome. A caricature of the opposite might be the employee who receives helpful feedback from their boss but, because it is not what they want to hear, immediately quits. As consultants, we are vendors of our clients. And as vendors, we are basically temporary employees. Self-control is vital when receiving critique in sensitive situations. It allows us to keep our emotions in check, listen, and be present to the situation and the people involved beyond our immediate emotional response. This also allows us to process everything more completely, minimize emotional discord, and keep our harmonious business relationships intact.



Honesty and humility lead our virtue list because these are our firm's guiding principles. Humility allows our consultants to listen attentively to what you are saying with empathy and understanding. Humble professionals can also gracefully receive feedback. This virtue is essential to a healthy relationship of any kind.



One of the hardest virtues, especially for a consultant. However, it is the foundational virtue of all of the work we do at Spirit Consulting. Whether we are changing out your VoIP System, helping you set a tax strategy, or searching for the next president of your company, we are honest in all of our business dealings.



Who wants to run through a wall for a boss with unrealistic expectations, who is constantly breathing down your neck, asking if projects are completed yet? There are times in consulting when we might get ahead of our clients on deliverables. The temptation can be to hound clients about the next steps. Instead, we prefer to coordinate weekly calls, laying out important timetables and tasks for both parties, which helps us to hold each other accountable respectfully.



Continuing with our example from above, if either party does not accomplish their promised deliverables for a given week, it can be understandable. But if two or more weeks pass without promised action, more frequent attempts at communication are required. However, even in these situations, you can be assured that we are most concerned about how we can help you resolve the situation versus berating you for your apparent lack of follow-through. This is the type of kindness that we live by at Spirit Consulting. It is also a key ingredient for creative solutions and innovation because it allows us to learn from our failures. Engagement increases exponentially in an environment that encourages calculated risks and new approaches while limiting destructive feedback. Kindness breeds a collaborative and empathetic work culture.



We always seek to put the stakeholders’ best interests first. You would be appreciative if we returned $10,000 of overpayment on a consulting engagement, but you would be ENRAGED if we intentionally overbilled you. We strive for consistency across all areas of our lives, but especially in our relationships with our clients. There are plenty of variables in the business world already; the quality of our service will not be one of them.



When you commit yourself to something or someone, you see it through to completion, trusting that it will succeed. Younger generations can get a bad rap because of their inability to see things through. Perhaps they feign commitment but then prematurely ask for a promotion or job hop in an attempt to find the path of least resistance. At Spirit Consulting, we commit to working with you on your project until you are satisfied with our results. Motivated by our mutual success, we will remain faithful to our promise of virtuous service from start to finish.


*Disclaimer—this is the ideal we strive for, but just like you, we are human and tend to stray. In such instances, we welcome your gentle nudge back in the right direction!

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