Spirit Consulting Podcast
Virtuous Heroes
Ep. 85 "Every Moment Matters" w/ Mark Mullins, Ed.D
Mark Mullins, Ed.D joins Chris to discuss finding his life path and how he helps others find theirs.
Ep. 84 "Confronting your Morals through Leadership" w/ Dr. Johnny Guimaraes
Dr. Johnny Guimaraes joins Chris on the Virtuous Heroes Podcast this week. Johnny discusses how he had to confront his morals as a leader and how he sticks to them.
Ep. 83 "Building Communities of Support" w/ Fernando Little
Chris talks with Fernando Little about how to build a community of trust and service.
Ep. 82 “Inspiring Others with Kindness” w/ Dr. Matthew Pollard
Chris talks with Dr. Matthew Pollard about his journey to discover his passion for leadership and how continuous kindness can inspire others.
Ep. 81 “A Calling to Connect” w/ Dr. Rhea Fernandes
Chris talks with Dr. Rhea Fernandes about her passion for helping others and how she connects with her employees and patients.
Ep. 80 “Finding Glory Through Suffering” w/ Danny Ciamarra
Chris talks with Danny Ciamarra about humility, perseverance, and grit when going through challenging moments.
Ep. 79 “Navigating Passion and Purpose” w/ Leah Yaw
Chris talks with Leah Yaw about finding where her passion and purpose intersect in her career and life.
Ep. 78 "Finding Where you Fit" w/ Suzette Lambert
Chris talks with Suzette Lambert, a marriage and family therapist with over 30 years of experience about how you can let go of your past to fully appreciate what you have and heal through love.
Ep. 77 "Mentoring the Next Leaders" w/ Spencer Clancy
Chris talks with Spencer Clancy about the importance of mentors to future leaders and how they can change your life.
Ep. 76 "Saying Yes to Yourself" w/ Lisa Reynolds
Chris talks with Lisa Reynolds about self-improvement and letting go of past habits to transform your leadership style for the better.
Ep. 75 "Success is Not Achieved Alone" w/ Craig Riner
Chris talks with Craig Riner about how to get the most success from your team while focusing on collegiality and compassion.
Ep. 74 "A Touch of G.R.A.C.E." w/ Dr. Marcelle Davis
Chris talks with Dr. Marcelle Davis about the importance of diversity and inclusion and how you can implement the G.R.A.C.E. framework into your life.
Ep. 73 "Switching Roles While Keeping your Passion" w/ Akilah Griffin
Chris begins Season 7 with Akilah Griffin, Assistant Vice President of Talent Acquisition for Atrium Health Navicent, about following her passions in every role and her leadership.
Ep. 72 "Committing to Community" w/ Kevin Bolding
Chris talks with Kevin Bolding about the work he's accomplished with the YMCA and the importance of community.
Ep. 71 "Sharing Your Strength" w/ Sherman Gillums Jr.
Chris talks with Sherman Gillums Jr. about his experience helping people struggling with mental health while serving in his role at NAMI.
Ep. 70 "The Gift of Presence" w/ Adrian Dixon
Chris talks with Adrian Dixon about his experience as a Chaplin at Duke Raleigh Hospital and the importance of presence.
Ep. 69 "Leading with Optimism" w/ Rebecca Holtdorf
Chris talks with Rebecca Holtdorf about staying optimistic through hard times and how she has applied her life lessons to her business approach.
Ep. 68 "Being a Force for Positive Change" w/ Parker Sanders
Chris talks with Parker Sanders about being a force for positive change not only within your team but within yourself.
Ep. 67 "Others Oriented Leadership" w/ Dr. Kent Ingle
Chris talks with Dr. Kent Ingle on how to be self-aware in your position and celebrate and empower the people around you.
Ep. 66 "Growing with your Team" w/ Mary LaFrancois
Chris talks with Mary LaFrancois on how to help grow the careers of your team members while creating an inclusive and comfortable work environment.