Ep. 29 - Cultural and Spiritual Impacts of Practicing Medicine w/ Dr. Kehinde Eniola

about our guest, Dr. Kehinde Eniola

Learn how culture, virtue, and leadership interact by listening to Dr. Kehinde Eniola describe her cross-continental move from Nigeria to the U.S., and how she climbed the ranks to become a Clinic Director. After finishing medical training at the top of her class, Kehinde moved to the U.S. and began her residency at St. Joseph Hospital in New York.

“Even when no one is watching you, when your boss is not watching you…God is watching you…[Do] the right thing…[be] trustworthy…[be] diligent at work” –  Dr. Kehinde Eniola


Ep. 30 - Replacing Fear with Compassion w/Shawn Jeffers


Ep. 28 - Keeping the ‘Human’ in HR w/ Pierre Monice