Ep. 33 - Marketing Like Jesus w/ Darren Shearer

about our guest, DARREN SHEARER

Learn how to market yourself and your business through Jesus' teachings with Darren Shearer, CEO and founder of HighBridge Media.

Darren joined the Air Force on the tragic day of 9/11, feeling a need to help his country. He then enrolled in a seminary and went on to start his own media and book publishing company. Darren also touches on overcoming the human desire to feel validated.

“Every [social media] platform is celebrating something different, but the issue has to be settled on a daily basis with [the question] ‘Do we actually matter?’” -Darren Shearer


Ep. 34 - NFL Defensive Back Curing Cancer w/ Anthony Bass


Ep. 32 - Using Prayer to Find Your Career Path w/ Lindsey Holland